Bee Keeping course for Beginners

poster beekeeping course
Wageningen Bee Team and Boerengroep present:

Theory Lessons (Febr and March):

11 February:  1. Biology of the honeybee
18 February: 2. Materials and the practice of beekeeping
25 February: 3. Beekeeping 2 : Bee diseases
3 March:        4. Bee products : Harvesting and processing
Location theory lessons: Common Barrack, Droevendaalsesteeg 77
Time theory lessons: 21:00 – 22:30
Costs:  €5/lesson

Practical lessons (March – June)

The dates of the practical lessons will be flexible and will be depended on the weather and the state of the bees. It is possible that a lesson will be canceled on the last moment or will be planned only a few days before. But it is no problem if you will miss a lesson. We will repeat every thing.  To give an estimation:
•First spring check  – end of March
•Second spring check – beginning of April
•Swarm control  – mid April
•Swarm control check  – end of April and beginning of May
•Diseases check – beginning of May
•Harvesting  honey – end of June 

All materials + tea and coffee provided by the Wageningen Bee Team
Total costs complete course (theory plus practical): €60,-
To attend separate theory lessons is possible (€5/lesson)
For the practical lessons Full=Full
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