Get involved!

Would you like to get involved with Boerengroep?

Join our excursions, lectures, summer course and much more!

Check out our website regularly for upcoming events, subscribe for our Newsletter (down below) and like our Facebook page. For active discussions, you can also become a member of our FB group.

Join the team

Would you like to be actively involved with the Boerengroep team? Send us a mail with a short motivation and info about yourself. Note that you can also do your internship with Boerengroep – more info about that on our site internships.

Find a thesis topic with us

Are you looking for a thesis topic regarding agroecology, food sovereignty, peasant/family farming? Boerengroep has a broad network around the world. Feel free to contact us for an appointment and we can suggest contacts regarding your field of interest

Contact us for co-hosting an event / suggest an excursion (to your farm?) / propose a thesis topic for students

Boerengroep works together with chairgroups at the Wageningen University, like Rural Sociology Group (RSO) and Farming Systems Ecology (FSE), with organisations, like ILEIA, ASEED, Milieudefensie and Toekomstboeren, with foundations like St. Otherwise and RUW, with International research and advocacy institutes, like TNI, with international human rights organizations, like FIAN, and Educational Institutes like VHL and Warmonderhof. We work closely together with farmers unions, since we are part of platform Aarde Boer Consument (ABC, ‘Earth Farmer Consumer’). Moreover, we work together with students and PhDers of the Wageningen University, supporting and encouraging them to organize activities they find important to address. Are you organizing an event related to one of our topics and would you like to work together with us? Feel free to contact us for more info: