Breeding on-the-ground

successful farmer-scientist co-operation

Innovation from the field: farmer Niek Vos wanted to develop a potato resistant to Phytophtera. After years of efforts of him and his son, working together a.o. with scientist Edith Lammerts van Bueren they managed: Bionica! Together they went through a number of procedures, and now their product is in the market. This story shows us how “grassroots science” can work, and will inspire (future) scientists for working with farmers.

With Loes Mertens (analysed this process of participatory breeding for her Msc internship) and Michiel Vos (organic farmer, son of Niek Vos).

Here you find an information poster about the project, with thanks to Edith Lammerts van Bueren.

When: Thursday March 28 at 19:30
Where: Forum building Wageningen
Register: Please register at
Organisation: Boerengroep and Otherwise, as part of the Grassroots Science series