Boerengroep 50 Years Magazine: donate now!

Dear readers, eaters, makers, and thinkers – we need your help to make the ’50 Years of Boerengroep’ magazine a reality! If you are interested in reading about the dreams of peasants, agriculture and climate, and the rise of food literacy (amongst dazzling farm-themed poems) then please consider donating toward publishing and distribution costs. Every little bit helps, and if you donate 10 euros or more, we will send you a copy of the magazine for free this spring! We appreciate the support and look forward to celebrating this special anniversary of Boerengroep with you throughout the year.

To donate, click here.

Boerengroep is a critical student organization, aiming to connect students and farmers, and to discuss a fair and sustainable agriculture together with researchers, farmers, students, activists and policy makers. Boerengroep was founded in 1971, after the massive European protests against Mansholt, and this year we are 50 years old!

Therefore, we’re making a special magazine with articles about developments in agriculture in the past 50 years, a celebration of inspiring farmers’ and food movements and the farmers in it, and a look back on the people in Boerengroep and how they’re changing the world.

We would like to make this magazine free, and therefore we’re starting this crowdfunding action, to cover the costs of printing. If you donate 10 euros or more, we will send you the magazine to your home address! If you’d like this, don’t forget to leave your email address with the donation.