Course Beekeeping for beginners

Have you always wanted to learn how to keep bees? Than this is your chance! The Wageningen Bee Team organizes together with Foundation Boerengroep a course about beekeeping for beginners. The course includes 4 theory lessons + 6 practical lessons.

The theory lessons are on Fridays from 20h-22h:
20-2: 1. Biology of the honeybee
27-2: 2. Materials and the practice of beekeeping
6  -3: 3. Beekeeping 2 : Bee diseases
13-3: 4. Beeproducts : Harvesting and processing

March-June: Practical lessons (data will be confirmed later)
All materials + tea and coffee provided by the Wageningen Bee Team

Costs: €45,-
Sign up (before the 15th of February):

foto cursus bijenhouden