About Peatlands

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Date(s) - 04/11/2020
20:00 - 21:30


Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86253564972
If we want a climate-neutral Europe by 2050, we need to increase our carbon sinks. Strengthening peatlands is one of the three most important ways to do that, stated Frans Timmermans during the EU Farm to Fork Conference on 15th of October.
Here and there, peatlands turn out to be a critical point in combatting climate change. Damaged peatlands are a very big source of carbon emissions. However, the link with agriculture is not always made. In the Netherlands, low peatlands are drained to make space for dairy farms and infrastructures, while the horticulture sector imports peat from Northern countries to use as potting soil.
During this webinar on the 4th of November, we want to bring some clarity and inspiration in the conversation about peatlands. What are they? What are the differences between low and high peat? What is paludiculture and how can the Dutch peatlands become climate-neutral?
We have three amazing speakers who can tell you all about it!
???? ?????????, who wrote his thesis about high peatlands and their restoration by paludiculture
??????? ???????, who did research on making low peatlands in the Utrecht province climate-neutral
??-????, a youth-led collective pushing for a paradigm shift in the perception of peatlands and creating an inter-disciplinary conversation about peat