Bike excursion to de Ommuurde Tuin

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Date(s) - 02/11/2019
14:00 - 17:00

In front of FORUM building


This autumn Boerengroep will organise some Autumn excursions again! The first one is a bike excursion to the organic garden ‘de Ommuurde tuin’ on Saturday 2nd of November. If you want to join, please subscribe by October 31 (link below).

This farm is located in Renkum and is the former garden of the wife of King Willem the Third. For the last 20 years, Esther Kuiler has been reshaping the garden and it is a beauty! She grows over 400 varieties of vegetables on a little less than 1 hectare of land.

This excursion includes a tour through the garden in English given by Elske, one of the gardeners.
How can you generate an income from a small scale organic garden? How to grow veggies, fruit and herbs without the use of chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides? How do you make a sandy soil fertile again (from 0.2% – 8% organic matter)?
These are some of the questions you can ask her. Furthermore, you can walk around in the garden freely. If the weather allows it, we will finish the excursion with a campfire and some drinks!

We will gather on WUR campus (in front of FORUM building) at 14:00. Then we will bike together to the garden in Renkum, which takes about 20/25 minutes. We will be back on Campus around 17:00.

Don’t forget to bring your bike, since it is a bike excursion.
We hope to see you on the 2nd 🙂

Participation fee: €3,-
Registration BY OCTOBER 31st THE LATEST:

P.S. Boerengroep foundation does not make any profit with excursions, most of the fee is given to the farmer. If you register but don’t show up at the excursion, you will not get a refund.

More info: