Ecovillages – a sustainable alternative?

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Date(s) - 27/05/2020
20:00 - 21:30

online zoom


“An ecovillage is an intentional, traditional or urban community that is consciously designed through locally owned participatory processes in all four dimensions of sustainability (social, culture, ecology and economy) to regenerate social and natural environments” (Global Ecovillage Network).

But what does this mean in practice? Can ecovillages provide us with a sustainable alternative for the future? And what can ecovillages tell us about our society? For this Wednesday evening, we have asked Wiepke Wissema, ecological economist, and Louise Vercruysse, inhabitant of Groenlandje, an ecovillage in Wageningen, to share with us their insights on ecovillages.


About the speakers
Wiepke Wissema is an ecological economist. Currently, she is critically assessing the respective (possible) contribution to sustainability of neoclassical environmental and heterodox ecological economics. She has a broad interest in the transition to sustainability, including topics like ecovillages, economic and monetary systems, tiny houses and permaculture.

Louise Vercruysse lives at Groenlandje, an ecovillage in Wageningen that emerged last September. Due to requests for enforcement, they soon have to leave the land. Louise studied literature and later conflict and development in Ghent, Belgium. Currently, she is the coordinator of Stichting Boerengroep (Peasant Foundation) in Wageningen.


This is an online event, organised by Stichting Otherwise in cooperation with Stichting Boerengroep. More details on how this event will happen will follow soon.