Excursion Tuinderij de Veldhof

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Date(s) - 01/07/2022
13:00 - 18:30

Gather in front of Radix


Are you interested in a working day at a small-scale, cooperative farm? On Friday the 1st of July, we will go on an excursion to Tuinderij de Veldhof. This permaculture garden started in 2015, and is working with self-harvest shares for people in the village Gorssel or surrounding villages.

We will get a small tour and explanation about the garden, but also work on the farm. So please don’t forget to wear some comfortable working clothes and sturdy boots!

When: Friday, 01.07. 13:00-18:30
Bring: Sunny mood, water, gloves, comfortable clothing and shoes
Where: leaving @Radix to Tuinderij de Veldhof
Subscribe here!
The location is an hour’s drive, so if you have a car and you are willing to share the ride please share it in the sign-up form -a financial compensation will be provided.
Any more questions? Email st.boerengroep@wur.nl or wageningenstudentfarm@gmail.com