Farmers’ Tales: Farming at the end of the World

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Date(s) - 13/12/2019
12:30 - 13:30



Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: tekst

At the next Farmers’ Tales the floor will be taken by Jesse Opdam and Jessica Snoek! Together they will come to speak about the tales of the West Ardnamurchan Community Garden; an old crofters community of just 150 people in the most westerly part of the British mainland. Fresh local produce are provided to residents and visitors, reducing food miles and the area’s carbon footprint. If you are interested in CSA, you are welcome to go and visit the Garden in Scotland!

Farmers’ Tales is a dialogue on the practice and politics, narratives and nuance of food production. An informal place to meet up with other students, PhD’ers, researchers, farmers, peasants and toekomstboeren. Share your ideas and questions or just pass by to gain knowledge on a variety of topics. It’s also a place to discuss your own ideas, team up with people and organize! If you would like to share a project, your thesis or just an interesting idea, let us know and the floor is yours…