Re-peat Peatfest 24 hours

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Date(s) - 29/05/2021 - 30/05/2021


Peat-fest is an annual festival organized by Re-Peat, and we are very excited to join! Below you find more information, or visit their website here:


“About Peat-Fest

Peat-Fest is one of our major annual events. It is a 24-hour virtual global festival celebrating and exploring the world of peat from multiple perspectives and interactive approaches. We held the first edition in 2020 and it was a resounding success! Over the course of 30 sessions, more than 600 people came together to engage in discussion around peat and the wider ecological and cultural context of peatlands. In order to get a clearer feel of Peat-Fest, you can access the sessions from last year here.

For this year’s Peat-Fest, we have chosen the theme of the inbetween in order to encapsulate the times of change and transformation that we are currently going through, as well as to emphasize the peatland ecosystem as a space that is inbetween. For peatlands are not-quite-land yet not-quite-water, not-quite-dead but not-quite-alive. In literature, they are often used to represent the space between the underworld and our world, as well to mark the difference between the “civilised” and “uncivilised.” This only scratches the surface.

The structure of the program is such that the event is divided into 4 segments of 6 hours each. These segments have been curated with attention to the timezones that they are best suited for. Moreover, they each feature different disciplines and session formats in order to ensure a varied program. This year, alongside our 24-hour live stream, we will showcase a range of artworks, articles, videos and other peat-related work as part of the festival.”