11 September: Excursion to Horizon

horizon frontJoin Boerengroep on an excursion to Horizon!

Horizon is a Dutch company, producing organic nut-spreads and other dried nuts & berries. Horizon focuses on using only high quality, organic ingredients by working together directly with farmers.

During this excursion, we will get a tour around their facilities to see how they make their nut-spreads and learn how they source their ingredients. For a complete overview of their assortment, see their website.

When: Monday the 11th of September
Depart: 13h30 at the parking lot in front of Sports Centre de Bongerd (across Bornsesteeg). We will go there by car.
Excursion fee: €5,- (for transport). No refund if you don’t show up.
We expect to be back in Wageningen by 17h00.

Important: only 15 places available! Make sure to register here

The registration will close the 9th of September!