February 19: Future Farmers and their market!


This event is part of Grassroots Science and the debat serie: ‘It’s the Food, my friend’

The food market is strongly moving. Some supermarkets are focusing on cheap food or high quality products. Farmers think about direct selling to consumers. The traditional family farmers cannot find a successor, while most high educated young entrepreneurs start with producing food. Which way does our food go to? Which network is the most sustainable one for healthy food? Hear all about it on Thursday 19th of February.



  • Hanny van Geel, landbouw en voedselcoöperatie Via Campesina
  • David Klingen, ex-sustainability manager Ahold, Jumbo, C1000 and Marqt. Now sustainability consultant selling Ghee.
  • Corneel van Rijn, boerderij Buitenverwachting

Would you like to know more about Corneel van Rijn and his farm? Check this small movie (at 3:39) from the Food Otherwise conference, he was there as well!



  • Felix Rottenberg, Dutch politician and former chair of the Labour Party
  • Samuel Levie, Founder Youth Food Movement (YFM) and Brandt & Levie


Not able to join the event but still don’t want to miss it? Watch the debate live here 

Find the PowerPoint presentation of Hanny van Geel here

Find the PowerPoint presentation of David Klingen here

Find the PowerPoint presentation of Corneel van Rijn here

A report and pictures of this event can be found here


Location: Forum Building (droevendaalsesteeg 2), C222

Questions?: st.boerengroep@wur.nl

Time: 19.45

foto poster