March 27: Wageningen Dialogue – Cutting across the silos

bridging silos











With your fellow students you share the canteen for lunch, practise sports, and enjoy the vibrant student life of Wageningen. But do you know what these other students are up to the majority of their time? What do they learn during all those hours of studying? What is their perspective on global developmental issues? How do they face development challenges for sustainable food systems?

To help you find out, we from Boerengroep organize a world-cafe event: the Wageningen Dialogue ‘’Cutting across the silos’’.

27th of March
19:15 – 22:00
The Pavilion – 100 years location (Wageningen campus)
Organised by Boerengroep, in cooperation with Wageningen Dialogues

At every table you are encouraged to reflect upon real-life food systems challenges together with others.  Only together we can give shape to sustainable food systems!

Food producers worldwide are facing complex and multidisciplinary challenges. At Wageningen University & Research (WUR), we are with many students and inspiring researchers working every day to find new solutions, but our research is still divided in silos. How can we shape food systems together?

The diversity of innovations in food production being developed at WUR is enormous. But do you know what your fellow student is doing? Or do you ever work together with students from different study areas? Dialogue between different studies is limited. During this evening, we invite you to look across the divide, guided by questions that young researchers and farmers are facing in their quest for sustainable food production. How can a circular farm revalue its side streams? How to reduce dependence on fossil fuels?

All will happen in an open and informal setting, called World Café. This setting gives space for all of you to join the conversation and actively exchange ideas. We will see how our ideas may match and how our differences may contribute to overcome complex challenges. Our potential to shape truly sustainable food systems may be even greater than we think, if we shape them together.

Special guest Ernst van den Ende will open the evening. The dialogue will be facilitated by Perspectivity Network. Keep an eye on the Facebook event to see what other speakers to expect!

Participation is for free. Don’t forget to subscribe, so we have an idea who will be coming.

After the dialogue, we invite you all to enjoy a drink together, while enjoying live music by Joris Wabeke, together with Sampoerna Soekhram. Catering is provided by Vreemde Streken; they serve coffee and tea for free all evening, other drinks and snacks can be bought at the bar. Please bring your own cup and cash money.

This dialogue is organised by Boerengroep, in cooperation with Wageningen Dialogues.

Further reading:

The world is looking at WUR to come up with innovations for sustainable food production. Check the article in the September issue of the National Geographic: This Tiny Country Feeds the World.

What is a World Café? Read about this participative dialogue technique here. Or watch this short clip.