17th of December: Midwinter excursion to Ommuurde Tuin


For thousands of years, people have been coming together at this moment of year to celebrate MidWinter, or Winter Solstice – the time of year when we pass the shortest day and the longest night. Join Boerengroep and WSF on the 17th of December to this ancient celebration of MidWinter in the historical garden “De Ommuurde Tuin”, a CSA organic garden in Renkum (close to Wageningen).

Time: 12h00 – 16h00
We gather at Forum stage, then cycle together to the Ommuurde Tuin
Costs: €5, to be paid in cash at Forum before we leave
Please register here before the 17th so we know you join!

Besides celebrating MidWinter with a warm fire, a hot drink and writing down your wishes for next year and throwing them in the fire, there will be a guided tour in English from a young peasant farmer who works in the garden for three years now. How can you generate an income from a a small scale (1 hectare) organic garden? How do they grow veggies, fruit and herbs without the use of chemical fertilizers or chemical pesticides? How do you make a sandy soil fertile again (from 0.2% – 8% organic matter)? Besides a peasant farmer, Elske is also involved with Toekomstboeren (La Via Campesina NLD). What are the challenges of young (future) farmers in the Netherlands? There will be plenty of time for Q&A.

Come and see this beautiful garden, where they grow over 400 (!) varieties of vegetables, herbs and fruits, including some very old varieties from the Gene Bank (CGN). Don’t forget to bring some cash money for the delicious self-made soups, quiche, jam, tea or winter-veggies fresh from the land!

To see more from Ommuurde Tuin: http://www.ommuurdetuin.nl/