Oct 15-16: Monsanto Tribunal


On the 14-15-16 of October, the International Monsanto Tribunal will take place in The Hague (Netherlands). Sign up now!


WUR students can SIGN UP before 8th Oct 2016, 20h for discount tickets:
* NAME (only WUR students can apply)
* Which DAYS are you available to go (we need to distribute people over the days Saturday and Sunday)
* In case you’d like to apply for two days: would you like to apply for ACCOMMODATION (we have 6 places to distribute among us)
* Send it to: st.boerengroep@wur.nl


There will be a Tribunal, which takes place on the 15th and 16th in the Institute of Social Studies (ISS). Five internationally renowned judges will hear 30 witnesses and experts from 5 continents.
PROGRAM: Monsanto Tribunal
LOCATION: Institute of Social Studies, Kortenaerkade 12, 2518 AX Den Haag.

Parallel to the hearings of the Monsanto Tribunal there will also be a People’s Assembly in The Hague. Here, visitors from all over the world will discuss strategies to counter the problems caused by industrial agriculture.
PROGRAM: People’s Assembly
LOCATION: Bazaar of Ideas (next to Student Hotel). Hoefkade 9, Den Haag

Boerengroep, RUW and Otherwise find it important to hear the voices of the people, in order to open up debates at the university and strengthen food sovereignty. We are currently arranging transportation and funding. Do you want to join us? Let us know and we can arrange discount (entree will be between EUR 0 and 25 depending on the amount of participants)