13th February – Reclaim the Seeds!

Reclaim the Seeds

Seeds can be multiplied. The same applies to Reclaim the Seeds. Early 2016 2 Reclaim-the-Seeds fairs will take place; one on Saturday February 13th in Wageningen (NL) and the other on February 27 in Lier (Be). ASEED, De Boerengroep and VoedselAnders organize the activities in Wageningen while Velt is dealing with Lier.

We are living in a time where most of our food crops are becoming extinct. Therefore it’s time to celebrate diversity of seeds, in the hands of the people!

After the well-attended fair in Driebergen in 2015, we chose for the 5th Reclaim-the-Seeds event the Forum building on the university campus of Wageningen. Because of the collaboration with the Voedsel Anders Conferentie (Food Otherwise conference). taking place next door, we will have an extra large fair with besides seeds more stalls with information about other innovations in food system. Of course the exchange tables for the participants that want to trade their seeds will be provided for. Last year more visitors brought own seeds to swap than before and we hope to continue this line.

At the seed fair a freely accessible seeds workshop program will be offered covering amongst other topics seeds saving for beginners,  and the Monsanto Tribunal to be held later in The Hague. In the next door building the second FoodDifferent (VoedselAnders)-conference will take February 12 and 13 with about 70 workshops about sustainable and social agriculture. RTS will provide workshops about the European seed and patent regulations and about the role of professional growers in alternative seed networks.

Above all, Reclaim the Seeds is a hotspot to find special breeds and varieties for your garden and to meet other people with a passion for seeds and rare plants.

More info and program: reclaimtheseeds.nl
