Alternatieve Scriptie- en Stagemarkt

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 05/10/2020
16:00 - 19:00


Are you looking for an internship or thesis topic? Do you want to work together with an organisation on the topic of sustainable development? Then visit the Alternative Thesis & Internship Market! This “market” is part of the Seriously Sustainable Week, organized by Green Office and Thuis, and is organized by Green Office, Boerengroep and Otherwise.

This year, the market will take place online. On the online market you can join different presentations on the topic of your interest. Organisations that were present last year, were among others Aseed, Milieudefensie, Greencovery and Food forest team Wageningen. Find the organisation you want to work with, and do your thesis or internship about an societal relevant topic and for an organization that will actually use your results. Have a look hier inschrijven to see which organizations are participating this year, and what their topics are!

The online market will be from 16:00 until 19:00 and you can choose yourself when to join. The programme will be shared soon!