Boerengroep 50 years: kick off. Farmers’ Protests with Jan Douwe van der Ploeg

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Date(s) - 15/02/2021
19:30 - 21:00


We chose the symbolic date of 15th of February, when, 50 years ago, the first farmers’ actions against Mansholt’s policy happened in Brussels. We will look back on these protests, as well as last year’s protest actions, to discuss what effects farmers’ protests have and could have. What are the differences between then and now? What can we learn from it? Are these actions a successful way for farmers to change the policy?
Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, former RSO Chairholder, will talk about his experiences as a student in 1971, the events that lead to founding Boerengroep, and his view on the protests in recent years.
Tim van der Mark, board member of NAJK and young farmer, will talk about his experiences and view on the protests as a young farmer, and why and how NAJK participated in the farmers’ protests.
Roel During, researcher at the Biodiversity and Policy team within Environmental research in WUR, will give his perspective and explain alternative tactics of resistance.
Sorry, we reached maximum capacity for this event. But no worries, we will record the webinar and share it afterwards on this website.