September 20: Get to know the Boerengroep!

The new academic year has started and many new students find their way to Wageningen. Did you hear about Boerengroep but are not yet sure what we do exactly? We want to invite you for dinner and drinks at our office next Wednesday (20th SEP). This is an opportunity to find out more about our … Meer lezen

16&23 September: Bike excursions



This September, Boerengroep is organising two bike excursions. We will visit two local, organic producers who sell their products directly to consumers. Join these excursions to get to know their products while exploring the beautiful surroundings of Wageningen!

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Regreening Days Wageningen 27 – 30 Augustus


When other student organisations offer ‘ontgroeningsweken’, the Green Active Network of Wageningen offers students in the week after the Annual Introducation Days (AID) the REGREENING. During the REGREENING students get to know all the ins and outs about living green and sustainable minded in Wageningen.

Follow the fb page to stay up to date about this event.

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Farm Experience Internship 2017 has started!

The Farming Experience Internship edition 2017 has begun! The following weeks 19 Wageningen students will get lectures from Wageningen professors and guestspeakers, go on excursions to local farms and projects, and work for 2 weeks on local farms to share knowledge and to gain practical experience. Stay tuned for more pictures and updates, here, on … Meer lezen

5th edition of the FEI is coming up!

Farm Experience Internship 2017

From the 24th of July until the 18th of August, the 5th edition of the FEI will take place. The FEI is a growing movement, that is being co-created by peasants, farmers, gardeners, scientists, students, activists, NGOs and agroecological companies – working together towards a sustainable, healthy, viable food system that is fair

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Agroecology Experience Evening 1st of June at De Hoge born


To all Students, Farmers and fellow Agroecologists!

1st of June !! we gather to learn more about Agroecologie, share past experiences from the Farm Experience Intership (FEI) and celebrate the coming FEI, which takes place from 24th of July till 18th August 2017!

Start at 19:00 at the local organic farm ‘De Hoge Born’ with VEGAN KEBAB (€2,-)  At 9 pm we will move to the Creative Garden for Pizza Party. Come and join this lovely evening on the FEI and Agroecology!

Thursday 1st June: Agroecology Experience Evening
19:00 Opening at organic farm ‘De Hoge Born‘ (Wageningen)
21:00 Pizza party at the Creative Garden

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10th of June: excursion De Bolster



Within the world of seeds, discussions on patenting, genetic modification and protection of biodiversity are still going strong. Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer seem the only important names on the world market. But not far from Wageningen, a relatively small Dutch family company specialised in organic seeds has made fame of its own. Join Boerengroep to De Bolster this June and see for yourself how seeds are grown.

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