6 Okt: Demonstratie Den Haag, Grondgebonden Melkveehouders


Oproep Milieudefensie en boerenorganistie Netwerk GRONDig:

Om het te veel aan fosfaat, dat schadelijk is voor natuur en milieu, in Nederland terug te dringen heeft Van Dam een wet opgesteld om de melkveehouderij te laten krimpen. Krimp vinden wij een goede zaak, maar dan wel alleen voor de intensieve bedrijven. Als het aan Van Dam ligt zijn straks ook biologische melkveehouders en grondgebonden boerenbedrijven de dupe.

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Oct 13: Silent Land


In Cambodia, more and more fertile land is being taken by big Industrial agriculture. Family farmers (peasants) are fighting for their land rights in order to contribute to the food sovereignty in their country. Who has the answer to feed the growing world population? Silent Land shows the stories behind this dilemma. A film by Jan van den Berg.

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Naar een beter voedsel- EN landbouwbeleid


Vorig najaar (nog onder staatssecretaris Dijksma en ondertekend door minister Ploumen) stuurde de regering een brief aan de Tweede Kamer over het voedselbeleid (download hier). Daarin werden het bedrijfsleven, consumenten en maatschappelijke organisaties uitgenodigd om de voedselagenda van het kabinet verder vorm te geven. ABC is ingegaan op deze uitnodiging. Wij zullen onze landbouwvisie sturen naar de staatssecretaris en de minister, naar fracties (m.n. landbouw woordvoerders) en besturen (programcommissies) van politieke partijen, en NGO’s.

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Oct 5: Child Labour Control in Cocoa Production, Ghana – Documentary and Discussion


Boerengroep presents our new intern: Alex Adu Gyamfi, master student of Development and Rural Innovation (MDR). As an agricultural extensionist from Ghana, Alex wants to raise awarenes about child labour in agriculture (cocoa production). “Child labour has been an international concern because it damages, spoils and destroys the future of children. Children are the hope and future of a nation.” Therefore he organized this event with the support of Boerengroep. We will show a short documentary and have a discussion together about the topic. We hope to see you all at the Forum on the 5th of October!

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A message from Aleida Guevara


Aleida Guevara, intellectual activist and daughter of Che Guevara, spoke about solidarity, the need to support peasants and indigenous peoples, and the importance of science, last weekend in Belgium.

The different types of knowledge (academic social science, natural science, indigenous knowledge, peasant knowledge from the field) are still quite disconnected at the Wageningen University. Boerengroep believes that food sovereignty can only be achieved when these fields of knowledge are indeed interconnected.

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Farm Experience Internship 2016

Farm Experience Internship 2016

Our international Summercourse is comming up: prepare for Agroecology in Practice! (farmexperienceinternship.wordpress.com)

Prepare for the FEI: 25 Juli – 19 August 2016! Each summer, the Wageningen University is offering the Farm Experience Internship (FEI) for students and non-students. The FEI is a 3ECTS international summer course, which intends to bring together theoretical knowledge from (non-)students with practical skills and knowledge from farmers. Are you interested in growing your own food, discovering local knowledge and practices on organic farms in the Netherlands? Do you want to learn about permaculture, agroecology, food sovereignty and sustainable food systems? Or would you like to interact and discuss with farmers to find creative, innovative ways of farming? Join the FEI and send a mail to FarmExperienceInternship@gmail.com.

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11 Sept: MoestuinRomantiek = UITVERKOCHT =



In de prachtige Ommuurde Tuin in Renkum (ooit moestuin van Koning Willem III) organiseren Boerengroep & Inspringtheater een programma over de liefde.

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25 June: Allemaal Lokaal excursion to dairy farm

allemaal lokaal

Importing soy from Latin America, so that we can feed our cows in Europe and eat cheap meat. Most people are not in favour of this production method. But what to do?

Farmer Gerjo and gardener Fred from the dairy farm Ruimzicht have one mission: to have a 100% local production system with care and attantion for the animals, the people and the environment. Their vision is to work as locally as possible, sponsor – and empower – the local economy, instead of the multinationals. They sell ‘amazon free milk and meat’ since the cows are fed with locally produced food. Moreover the farm generates its own energy and sells its products locally: in the farm shop, in the region via veggy bags and part of the cheese goes to Germany. Join the excursion to hear the full story! There’s also lots of food to taste, jummie!

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27 June: Orphans of the Land


Jessica Milgroom (WUR) presents the documentary Orphans of the Land dealing with land grabbing and resettlement in Mozambique. She will give a short presentation beforehand and after the screening there will be a debate about development, nature conservation and people.

Tickets: for free
Location: filmhuis Movie-W (Wilhelminaweg 3A, Wageningen)

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15 June: Strengthening Farmer-led Seed Systems

poster small

-Free entrance
-Drinks and free snacks provided
-Live stream: wurtv.wur.nl


19:00: Doors open, drinks, small seeds market, info stands
19.30h: Opening word by Edith van Walsum (ILEIA)
Video message by Vanaja Ramprasad (India)
19.45h: Presentation by Edith Lammerts van Bueren.
20.10h: Presentation by Ronnie Vernooy
20.35h: Presentation by Rene Groenen
21.00h: Final round of Q&A
21.15h: Drinks, snacks and small seeds market
22.15h: Building closes

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