June 7: Farm visits excursion by bike

  Stichting Boerengroep organizes an bicycle excursion through the beautiful Dutch landscape to visit farms! So take your bicycle, and join us! We will gather at 09.00h at Radix and cycle to Hemmen! There we will visit the organic arable farm of Family Koopman , after which we will cycle further to the very diverse … Meer lezen

August 5-27: Farm Experience Internship

The Farm Experience Internship (FEI) is a course (3 ECTS) created to bring together practice of the farmer and theory of the student, aiming to create bridges between University and farmers. Many educational institutes, in Europe and around the world have developed similar courses, internships or projects, in which students go for a practical experience … Meer lezen

May 20: Suicide among farmers

Probably Dutch farmers commit suicide relatively often. ‘Probably’, because farmers are no separate category in Dutch suicide-statistics. Cultural anthropologist and writer Lizzy van Leeuwen recently published a study on ‘suicide in the countryside’, called ‘De hanenbalken’ (‘The Collar Beams’). In this lecture she builds the case that Dutch farmers commit suicide more often than other … Meer lezen

May 6: Europees verkiezingsdebat: landbouw- en handelsbeleid: TTIP en ATM

  Voor een uitgebreid verslag van de avond lees:  Verslag-EU-verkiezingsdebat-Wageningen   Het EU verkiezingsdebat staat in de Boerderij Vandaag! (zie plaatje hiernaast) Het debat is terug te kijken via you tube Deze avond zullen we samen met kandidaten voor het Europees Parlement en vertegenwoordigers van boeren- en maatschappelijke organisaties een debat houden over het Europese … Meer lezen

May 12: Movie: The little war of farmer Kok

We start with the movie The Little War of Farmer Kok (73 min., English subtitles). Farmer Kok and his two sons run a biological farm, close to the town of Amersfoort. They have to fight the town, which wants their land, and the national bureaucracy, which wants them to comply to rules they consider unreasonable. … Meer lezen

17-18 May: Permaculture & agroecology introduction course (English!)

During the course the basics of permaculture & agroecology will be discussed and though several exercises you will discover how to apply this knowledge in your own life.   When: 17-18 May (10.00-16.00) Where: ClockHouse Building& forest garden ‘Pomonal’ More info: heeltsje.wordpress.com Price: Determined by you afterwards

April 9: How to be ‘Fresh’ , join the pioneers in the food movement

Farm Experience Internship will screen “Fresh”, a documentary by Ana Sofia Joanes about food movements, changes in the food systems that can lead us to a more sustainable agriculture and Fresh-er food! The screening will be followed by a discussion and interactive lecture with the permaculture expert Fransjan de Waard, his keywords are: Sustainable Food, Food … Meer lezen

April 10: Fair Trade Discussion Evening

Boerengroep organizers together with Fair Trade Management Students  a discussion evening about Fair Trade. Is Fair Trade really fair? And for whom? With: Ir. Jan Hoekstra, International Development Management/Fair Trade Management Kasper Meulesteen, 4e jaars Fair Trade Management opleiding Fenny van Eshuis, Max Havelaar Bijnse Dankert, Journalist en criticus When: 10th April Time: 19.30-22h Where: … Meer lezen