excursion groenen hof

Excursion Groenen Hof On Saturday the 7th of September we will go to ‘De Groenen Hof’. It is a biodynamic farm, which multiplies and designs vegetable seeds. René Groenen, the owner wants to contribute to the development of vegetable breeds, biodiversity, plant science and feed quality. He will give us a tour around his farm … Meer lezen

Agroecology in the Netherlands

Is there a movement? Agroecology offers a new perspective on the organisation and management of food systems, natural resources and their connection with society. While the concept is in a continuous state ofdevelopment it has strong practical and scientific expressions with prospects for the further integration of human and nature and of agriculture and ecosystems. … Meer lezen

Participatory Guarantee System

workshop, part of I-Week Is it possible to include the participation of farmers, technicians and consumers in an organic certification system? How? Yes, it is and even more. Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) is a certification system based on the active participation of all the key stakeholders of the supply chain of organic food. This certification … Meer lezen

Farm Experience Summer Course

Agroecology in practice .. .. .. Dear Student, Would you like to experience the daily reality of farming and do you want to deepen your practice with participatory methods, agroecology, permaculture, and more? The Farm Experience Internship offers all this from August 11-30th. And you even get credits! … Here you find all the information … Meer lezen

Farm Excursion Series

The cows are outside. What about you? … … These excursions will bring you just what you need: a fresh nose, inspiration to support innovative farmers with your (future) research work, or maybe become one yourself….? Wednesday June 5: Grote Voort Lunteren and Ecofields, 13-18h, costs €5 Innovative alternative Dairy farm and Cheesemakers – Organic … Meer lezen

Your town – global agriculture

Less agrochemicals and deforestation through local action? Can your town make the difference? Feeding the World with food which is clean & fair? What can you do? Lets start in our own town! Listen to local initiatives that make a difference! Discussion about how you as a citizen and your town have an impact on … Meer lezen

Dancing with horned ladies

What happens if you stop using antibiotics? If you do not vaccinate your cows at all? And what happens if you make cheese from raw milk? Farmers Jan Dirk and Irene van de Voort asked these questions, since they don’t believe in technical solutions which they see as causing more problems. When in 2004 they … Meer lezen

Grassrootsscience Workshop: designing together

Project EAT is about to be presented to all of us. This evening gives you insight in how designing can be done in a participatory manner. with: Jean-Yves Duriaux Chavarria – intern at EAT Fiona Morris – landscape architect and permaculture gardener When: Tuesday June 11 at 19:30 Where: Forum building Organisation: design team of … Meer lezen


a healthy chance for development? … … Quínoa is gaining a lot of attention lately: it is a healthy protein rich pseudo grain, and very tasty. The FAO has even coined 2013 the International Year of the Quínoa. With surging demand the price of Quínoa has however risen. Many people that relied on Quínoa as … Meer lezen

Earthships and Ecovillages in the Netherlands

The world’s first “Earthship district” is currently constructed in the Netherlands. The earthship concept is a prime example of environmentally friendly and sustainable building and living. All environmental aspects are taken into consideration in this innovative yet simple (low tech) building concept. The reuse of existing materials in the construction phase as well as clean … Meer lezen