Excursion Bolster and farm

****** news flash: we will visit one more farm: de Hooge Kamp. This means we will be back around 5pm.***** Spring time! Let’s go outside. It’s full on spring time and time to seed. Wanted to know how the seeds you buy are produced? Join us to the Bolster for a guided tour. Afterwards we … Meer lezen

Farm Work Exchange on Tour!

What can beat some fieldwork experience? Join us to Wijk bij Duurstede, where we will work on organic vegetable farm Tuinderij de Groene Steen. We wil help Janneke with some manual farmwork (gardening) work during the morning, and then have lunch together. The idea is to get to know the farm, experience what it is … Meer lezen

Grassroots Science Synthesis Dinner

Potluck dinner (bring some food, we will provide drinks) for students and others to discuss the Grassroots Science series: how do different lectures relate, and what to conclude from it? Joining this evening is recommended if you are not sure about your essay yet, but it is not obligated. Open to everyone. Please subscribe here. Date: Thursday … Meer lezen


ANDERE KOEK! – Bijzondere excursie op 27 juni naar Belgische pioniers van ‘zwart goud’ en eetbare stadsjungle. Permacultuur ‘n tandje hoger. / Permaculture excursion to professional composters and edible jungle in Belgium. Read more …   reconnecting people, soil and food Permaculture has emerged as a response to industrial agriculture and food. It seeks “to … Meer lezen

Seed Sovereignity

How farmers’ organisations can protect our seed system The US patent system is blowing over to Europe. Will patent claims from multinationals soon sue farmers in Europe? Niels Louwaars (director of Plantum) has been involved for several years in the debates on patents and breeder’s rights. See for example a publication on the “future of … Meer lezen

Wetenschap vanaf onderop

socially driven alternatives that tackle global problems “Socially driven” initiatives, by for example farmers, consumers, civil society organisations, sometimes in collaboration with scientists, constantly emerge in the face of ­poverty, social injustice, hunger, natural resource degradation, environmental decline and other global problems. Some of these initiatives contain practices that promise more sustainable livelihoods for the … Meer lezen

Beyond the commoditization of knowledge

Rethinking science and society relations Barbara van Dyck (Slow Science, fired at Catholic University of Leuven due to involvement in public protest against a Genetically Modified Potato field) Martijn Duineveld (assistant professor Cultural Geography) “Research on bees paid by the pesticide industry showing that it was not the pesticide that kills them…” (Zembla reportage, 12 … Meer lezen

Farmer driven transformation

Farmer driven transformation in the Netherlands: sustainable practices and struggles with the state Dutch agriculture is one of the most productive in the world. This however seems to have come at a price. Disease outbreaks have led to the killing of more than 40 million animals in the last 14 years, it is the only … Meer lezen

Lekker Buiten: Outdoor Animal Husbandry

over de kracht en uitdagingen van het buiten houden van vee Op donderdagavond 19 april organiseert de Boerengroep i.s.m. de Studiekring Biologische Landbouw een symposium over het buiten houden van dieren. Verschillende experts (WUR, Friesland Campina, Stichting Weidegang, Puregraze), innovatieve boeren (o.a. van Buitengewone Varkens ) en studenten gaan in op de betekenis voor het welzijn en … Meer lezen

Family Farming in Brazil and USA

While scientists and policy makers struggle to find ideas to combat the global food crisis, cases where family farmers themselves have devised solutions, some of which are both sustainable and highly productive, continue to emerge. Despite the promise of these initiatives, they are commonly overlooked. Sergio Schneider, Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, will talk … Meer lezen