Mannenbroeders van Kootjebroek

Het is nu 10 jaar geleden dat bedrijven werden geruimd in Kootwijkerbroek. Was het terecht? Die vraag speelt nog steeds! Evenals emoties, wantrouwen, en dus helaas nog geen duidelijke lessen voor de toekomst. Boerengroep draait in Movie-W de Film Mannenbroeders van Kootjebroek. Met toelichting van Lau Jansen (Stichting Onderzoek MKZ Crisis Kootwijkerbroek) en Tjirk van … Meer lezen

Grassroots Voices in Giant Institutes

Join an exciting evening with professor Kami Pothukuchi from the famous urban agriculture example of Detroit, our own Wageningen emeritus professor in Communication Niels Röling, and Brazilian agronomist with plenty experience in ngo’s: Mariana Wongtschowski. when: Tuesday November 29 at 19:30h where: Forum building in Wageningen register: click here to reserve a seat Description: The global food crisis … Meer lezen

work with us for Makandra!

On Saturday November 26 Boerengroep will help carefarm Makandra preparing wood. We will cut and transport wood, to make it available for the clients of the carefarm to work on. Apart from hard work (a nice workout!) and the opportunity to help people with special needs, this is also a great day of fun, meeting … Meer lezen

Global Food Security Debate

Can organic agriculture feed the world? Is development aid outdated? Is hunger in the South due to excesive consumption in the west? Students of the course “Global Food Security” (YSD-50806) prepare propositions to (dis)agree with. You are  invited to join their disussion! date: December 1 time: 20:00 h place: canteen Leeuwenborgh entrance: free (please be in time!)

Regionale Boerenmarkt

Op dinsdag 15 november is op proefboerderij Droevendaal de Regionale Boerenmarkt. De Boerengroep organiseert deze markt samen met Stichting Otherwise en Wageningen Environmental Platform (WEP). Doel is om te laten zien hoeveel lekkers wordt geproduceerd in de directe omgeving. U vindt kraampjes met honing, kaas, vlees, melk en eieren, maar ook appels en perensap, groente, … Meer lezen

Regional Market

Come and taste cheese, eggs, hamburgers, tea, vegetables, honey, wine, and more… All freshly produced from Wageningen soils! With presentations of innovative producer-consumer networks, an Eat-in, cook competition (win a prize with your dish with local ingredients!), life musicperformance of Skippickers, and “story harvesting”. Inspired by the French “fêtes du village”, with long candlelight tables … Meer lezen

Food, Farmers and Forks

How to feed the world? A question that pops up everywhere. The answer seems to be sought in producing more kg’s of food globally. To reduce hunger however, we know that the challenges lie not so much in quantities of food, but rather in maldistribution. Otherwise, Ruw, and Boerengroep organise seven Tuesdays with alternative views and inspiring examples: … Meer lezen

Chicken Excursion

On wednesday the 16th of November, we will organise a mini bike excursion to a research project that currently takes place at Unifarm/Droevendaalfarm, part of Wageningen University. The research is about how organic chickens grow on a diet that contains less (-30%) than the normal average feed intake of concentrate. This diet makes the chickens forage to … Meer lezen

In de huid van een dier: film

Let op! Voorstelling van 20:30 is vol. Een tweede voorstelling wordt gedraaid om 22 uur Dieren kunnen niet praten. Toch denken wij allemaal wel eens aan een dier te kunnen zien of het zich goed voelt, verdrietig is of pijn lijdt.  Halal slachten willen we in Nederland verbieden omdat het vee meer zou lijden dan … Meer lezen

Capita Selecta: Food crisis? Strategies to transform our food system

In collaboration with Petra Derkzen of the chairgroup Rural Sociology (RSO) the series Food Farmers and Forks can be followed as one of the learning activities in Capita Selecta course under the code RSO 51303 ‘Agricultural and Rural Innovation Processes’. The Food Farmer Fork lecture series together with the book: Food movements Unite! Strategies to … Meer lezen