wanted: reporter

The organisation of the series Food Farmers and Forks is looking for volunteers to make short reports (1/2 to 1 A4) en photos reports of the evenings in the series. Are you joining one or more of Food Farmers and Forks and would you like to see your pictures and story at our websites? Please let … Meer lezen

Urban Agriculture – October 20

Prof. Dr. A. vd Valk will share inspiring examples of urban agriculture he saw in New York and two Landscape Architecture and Planning students will share the most exiting parts of their MSc thesis work on urban agriculture. Date: October 20 Time: 19:30 Place: lecture room LA13

Excursion Hemmen – October 8

Join us on a regional biketour with farm visits! We leave by bike from the Boerengroep building, from where we cycle across the river Rhine to the Betuwe area. We will visit three organic farms: a dairy farm, an arable farm, and a vegetable farm. After that we have lunch at a local restaurant and organic supermarket … Meer lezen

Farmers coffee talk on tour

Coming Tuesday October 11 we will visit Anne-Marieke and Daisy’s organic chicken research project. Anne-Marieke is board member of Boerengroep and also student animal sciences. They are currently studying how organic chickens grow on a diet that contains less than the average feed intake of concentrate. This diet makes the chickens forage to compensate this … Meer lezen

Soybean production in Latin America: Can we return?

Soybean production in Latin America: Can we return? Lecture and discussion evening 21 Sept, 19.30 – 22.00. Leeuwenborch, C62 (Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen). Language: English. Subscription: Not needed The production of meat has increased dramatically in the past decades. Meat production today is an intensive industry taking animal feed from all over the world. Soy is … Meer lezen

EHECtiek: Discussieavond uitbraak EHEC bacterie

EHECtiek: Discussieavond over de uitbraak van de EHEC bacterie (Dutch Activity)

  • Wanneer: Woensdag 29 juni, 19.30 – 22.00
  • Waar: Leeuwenborch, C62 (Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen)
  • Taal: Nederlands
  • Toegang: Gratis
  • Inschrijving: Niet nodig

N.a.v. de uitbraak van de EHEC bacterie organiseert Stichting Boerengroep een discussieavond over dit onderwerp.

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Lustrum Boerengroep

Dit jaar bestaat de Boerengroep 40 jaar! Dat is uiteraard reden voor een mooi feest! Van maandag 23 t/m zaterdag 28 mei vieren wij dan ook het Lustrum van de Boerengroep. Op de doordeweekse dagen is er elke dag een bijzondere workshop, excursie, debat of film waar iedereen aan mee kan doen. Op zaterdagmiddag en … Meer lezen