The role of (agro)biodiversity in times of crisis

Louise Vercruysse   What do the corona-crisis, climate change and the Dutch nitrogen crisis have in common? They all sparked a new interest in an otherwise often neglected debate, namely the one about biodiversity and how humanity has chosen to order the natural environment. Here’s an overview and an opiniated conclusion. Biodiversity loss and climate … Meer lezen

Interview with a Boerengroep Board member

Boerengroep is made by a multitude of people, and we thought it’d be nice to regularly introduce one of our board members in the form of a small interview. Who are the people in Boerengroep? Where do they come from? And what do they see in Boerengroep? This week we’re happy to share some facts … Meer lezen

Article in The Guardian: The small Dutch town that wants to shape the future of your food

Students in Droevendaal Food Forest                   Around the end of October, a journalist from the Guardian approached Boerengroep to learn more about the critical student movement in Wageningen University. We met with her and as we walked around campus, we talked about the University, and how Boerengroep … Meer lezen

Vacancy Secretary

Stichting Boerengroep is looking for a secretary (4-5 hours a week), starting from September 2020.   Organisation Stichting Boerengroep aims to close the gap between agriculture at the university and the reality and challenges of farmers and peasants around the world. It fights for a social, just and sustainable food production via activities in which … Meer lezen

Vacature Penningmeester

Vacature Penningmeester Stichting Boerengroep zoekt per 1 september 2020 een penningmeester (4-5 uur per week). Organisatie Stichting Boerengroep slaat de brug tussen landbouwpraktijk en landbouwtheorie. We zetten ons in voor gezonde en sociale landbouw en organiseren hiervoor activiteiten die een kritische houding stimuleren onder studenten en boeren. De activiteiten die St. Boerengroep aanbiedt lopen sterk … Meer lezen

Want to volunteer at Pluktuin de Bosrand?

Pluktuin de Bosrand Pluktuin de Bosrand is a pick-our own fruit and flower garden plus a tea-garden situated on one of the most beautiful spots of Wageningen. It produces on 0,8 hectare with respect for human and nature a wide variety of fruit and flowers throughout the growing season, which you can harvest yourself during … Meer lezen

FEI 2020 : registration is now open !

Click here to sign up or copy the following link : The FEI is a growing movement, that is being co-created by peasants, farmers, gardeners, scientists, students, activists, NGOs and agroecological companies – working together towards a sustainable, healthy, viable food system that is fair for the earth, the consumer and the producer. Together, … Meer lezen

Internship Opportunity Pollination Projects

The Louis Bolk Institute has a vacancy for one or two students in two pollination projects. This can be done as an internship. At the moment, the Louis Bolk Institute and Delphy are running two pollination projects. Both projects already have promising result from the first year. As the project continues, the trials will be … Meer lezen