
Contemporary politics, indegenous people, and environment in Bolivia

Ricardo Calla, antropologist and former Minister of Peasant and Indigenous Affairs in Bolivia, has a long history of working with indigenous people in the Andes.

 In Bolivia, indigenous people form a majority of the population and therefore, possess significant political power. However, economic power is in the hands of the oligarchy. Ricardo Calla will give his view on contemporary politics and their impact on indigenous people and on environment in Bolivia.’

This evening is organised in collaboration with Samenwerkingsverband Hoogland Indianen.

time: Wednesday February 29 at 20h
place: Forum building Wageningen
entrance: click hier inschrijven to reserve a seat

This lecture is part of Grassroots Sciences series, organised by Otherwise and Boerengroep. Lectures and workshops can be attended individually or as a capita selecta course (last chance for subscription Feb 29!).