Capita Selecta Grassroots Science

As a student you can follow Grassroots Sciences as a capita selecta. You attend at least five lecture of the series, read provided literature, and write an essay. The course outline can be found hier inschrijven. Deadline for registration is February 29.

Schedle of Lectures*:

Monday February 13 – Agroecology as a science, movement and a practice: can it feed the world?

Wednesday February 29Political developments in Bolivia: their impact on indigenous people and the environment

Monday March 5th – Shell, Seeds and Saving the Planet: Rights and Livelihoods in a Global Economy

Thursday April 5th – Family farming as a starting ground for rural development

Monday May 14 – Building on farmers’ knowledge

Monday June 11 – Rural Sovereignty

*this schedule was updated on Febryuary 14th. More lectures might still be organised, check Boerengroep website for updates