civic ecology course

announcement from external organsiation: Civic Ecology: Blending Theory and Practice ~ Online Course

Designed for professionals, upper level undergraduates, and graduate students engaged in civic ecology practices, including community gardening, community forestry, oyster restoration, bioswale gardening, invasive species removal, habitat restoration, and other community-based stewardship initiatives that integrate community and ecosystem outcomes. Through the 12-week course, participants will gain an understanding of civic ecology practices, reflect on and outline opportunities to expand their own practice, and form a network with other civic ecology practitioners and researchers. Participants’ reflections on their practices and the related literature will be compiled into a report and journal article, which will contribute to our overall understanding of what precipitates civic ecology practices, their outcomes for individuals and for social-ecological systems more broadly, and their importance to non-profit organizations and government agencies making decisions about how to foster sustainability and resilience in cities and other human-dominated systems.

This course is offered by the Cornell University Civic Ecology Lab with funding from the US Environmental Protection Agency and Cornell University. It is one of a series of online courses offered through EECapacity, EPA’s national environmental education training program, which is a partnership between the Cornell Civic Ecology Lab, North American Association for Environmental Education, Akiima Price Consulting, the Environmental Education Exchange, and numerous community and environmental education organizations across the US, Canada, and Mexico (PI: Marianne Krasny).


  • All applicants are asked to read a description of Civic Ecology, available HERE, before applying.
  • Civic Ecology practitioners may apply for the course HERE.
  • University students with an interest in Civic Ecology may apply for the course HERE.

Applications open until January 8. Applicants will be notified by January 15 as to whether they are accepted into the course.

When: February 4 to April 29, 2013
Application Deadline: January 8, 2013
Fee: $15
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