Excursion: Jan Willem Breukink at his Nature-inclusive Dairy Farm

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 29/04/2023


On April 29th we will visit farmer Jan Willem Breukink, who has a family farm in Brummen, where they are trying to switch to a nature-inclusive farming strategy. On the farm of 100 hectares and 180 dairy cows, we will learn from him what such a change in practices entails for himself, the farm organization and the business model.
Jan Willem speaks English, so non-Dutch students can easily participate!
For more information on his farm we invite you to check his advocacy for nature-inclusive agriculture:
When: April 29, 2023
Time: leaving Wageningen approximately 12pm. Final time to be confirmed!
Meet-up location: Radix parking lot, WUR Campus, Wageningen.
Bring: clothes and shoes that don’t mind the soil and stables!
Please fill in this form to sign up for the excursion: https://forms.gle/t2QYaSKvNgpp2oMUA