Agriculture in the face of drought

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Date(s) - 24/06/2020
19:30 - 21:00

Online: see zoom link in description


For the fourth year in a row, this summer promises to be a very dry one. More intense and frequent droughts are thought to be one of the most immediate consequences of climate change. But it is not a new problem. Farmers in the Netherlands have had problems with drought ever since the 70s. Drought is not only a problem of climate change, but also of policy. What happens with water in the Netherlands? How could better management practices help to contain it longer? What is it like to farm in times of drought, and what are the visions of a farmer and of a scientist on the matter?

Klarien Klingen: market gardener at De WIlde Peen and coordinator Toekomstboeren
Peter Schrijver, board member in Water board (Waterschap) Rijn and Ijssel
Melle Nikkels, who graduated with the dissertation “Farmers as water managers. Local interventions, personal preferences and system-level implications”

Join us Wednesday the 24th, at 19:30 on Zoom and let’s address this dreadful drought.

Zoom link:

Topic: Agriculture in the face of drought
Time: Jun 24, 2020 07:30 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

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