Boerengroep goes Biobeurs 2020

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 22/01/2020
10:00 - 18:00

Gather in front of Radix





Every January, the Dutch national organic fair takes place in Zwolle! Everyone who has something to do with organic agriculture will be there: you can visit stands, there are workshops and lectures to visit. If you have any interest in organic agriculture, this is an event that you can’t miss!
Important note: most activites will be in Dutch. Please check the website for all information and possibilities for non-Dutch speakers.

Boerengroep will go there on January the 22nd. We invite all interested students to come with us.

Date: Wednesday, 22nd of January
Time: Leave from campus at 10:00; expect to be back around 21:30.
Costs: €7,50, for the transport and the entrance to the fair.

If you want to join us, please register via the following Google form:

Registration deadline: Sunday, 19th of January
So we can arrange transport in time. When registering, you will find the payment details.