Docu-night: The Market Gardener’s Toolkit

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 31/03/2022
20:00 - 22:00

Dance Room, Building with the Clock



Boerengroep is organizing a docu-night! Thursday the 31st of March we are going to watch the documentary “The Market Gardener’s toolkit”. This documentary is about the farm (Les Jardins de la Grelinette) of Jean-Martin Fortier, one of the most famous market gardeners in the world. Les Jardins de la Grelinette was named after the grelinette, or broadfork, a gardening tool that for Fortier is “emblematic of manual, ecological and effective organic gardening.” 1.5 of the farm’s 10 acres are kept in biologically intensive production. The farm produces variety of organic vegetables, as well as some herbs and fruits. Fortier maximizes yields on a minimum area of land through a “biologically intensive” cropping system. Conventional 4-wheel tractors are eschewed in favor of hand tools and efficient small-scale equipment such asΒ walk-behind tractors. Since hand tools are used for cultivation, rows of crops do not need to be spaced according to the dimensions of a tractor and cultivating implements, allowing for intensive spacing. Multiple successions of plantings in a year contribute to a high ratio of yield/area.

Are you interested? See you in the Dance Room in the building with the Clock on Thursday 31th of March, at 8PM! There will be snacks πŸ™‚

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