Excursion to Ecological Farm Overesch

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 07/12/2019
11:00 - 17:00

Gather in front of Radix


On our last excursion of the year, and after a tumultuous season of farmers’ protests, Boerengroep will take you to a farmer who did not feel to join these protests. He is stongly opinionated on matters such as nature inclusive farming and the nitrogen issue and he runs a highly mixed, organic, circular farm to back up his claims.
His farm is home to about 800 pigs who are integrated with the production of approximately 7 crops, parts of which are grown for fodder. He furthermore uses covercrops, hedrerows and flowerstrips amongst other ecological methods to improve biodiversity and sustainability and has an on-farm shop.
He is member of a collective called Caring Farmers, has won the Mudpool of the Year Award from animal welfare organization Wakker Dier and is the winner of the Ekoland Innovation Award 2019.

Excursion fee: €10,-

For more information see:


Or register directly at:


See you there!