Excursion to Pluktuin Sayuran

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 25/09/2021
10:00 - 12:00

Pluktuin Sayuran


Please register here: https://forms.gle/59H3BC5cvYsDXBtv8

This fall, Boerengroep is organizing several excursions to get people out of the classroom or office and into the fields! It’s also a great opportunity for new students to get to know the local food landscape, and know where to get fresh and sustainable food from.

The first excursion this academic year will be to Pluktuin Sayuran, an agroecological self harvest garden located in de Wageningse Eng, close to the forests of Wageningen. We will meet up there at 10:00 and farmer Chris Sayuran will give us a tour and some information. He grows vegetables and herbs, which people can harvest every weekend, without subscription. At Sayuran, the produce is grown in a no-dig system, which means that the soil is left undisturbed which helps the soil life. Meet us at Pluktuin Sayuran to see it for yourself!

Chris himself is starting a new garden in Bennekom soon, and a month after this excursion, we will organize a working session at the new place.


Don’t forget to register, so we know how many people to expect: https://forms.gle/59H3BC5cvYsDXBtv8