Excursion to Reclaim the Seeds 2020 in Amsterdam

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 21/03/2020
09:15 - 19:00

Gather in front of Radix


CANCELLED For more information, see the website.

On the 21st of March, Boerengroep is organizing an excursion to the Reclaim the Seeds festival in Amsterdam.

Reclaim the Seeds is an annual event aimed at bypassing the institutionalized agriculture industry by promoting (crop) diversity and food and seed sovereignty.

Throughout the day interesting lectures and workshops are given and there is a market where seeds can be swapped and bought. For more info on the schedule check: https://reclaimtheseeds-amsterdam.nl/programma/zaterdag-programma/

The entrance fee is donation based, so bring some cash if you can spare some.

We will travel by car, leaving at 09:15 from the parking lot in front of Radix, coming back around 19:00.

To cover the transportation costs we ask a fee of €6.- to be transferred to

If you have a car and you are willing to drive, please let us know in the registration form.

For registration follow the link: https://forms.gle/GAKDJHSSAEdUFT1A9
The registration deadline is March 18th.

Hope to see you soon!