Exploring resilient farm series: Farm excursion + cooking

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Date(s) - 27/11/2021
14:00 - 20:00

Campus plaza


Sign up: https://tinyurl.com/3n8spk87

Resilience of our food systems? What does that mean to farmers and us?
Time to visit a farm and ask farmers questions about it! What opportunities and challenges do they face? You also get to cook delicious meals out of fresh ingredients and sustainable recipes at the Clock House building afterwards.

Date: November 27th, 2021
Time: 14.00-19.00
Cost: Free
Location: Gather at Subway near Campus Plaza
Sign up: https://tinyurl.com/3n8spk87
Organised by FoodCie of Aktief Slip, Boerengroep Wageningen, and Wageningen Cooking Collective.