Farm Excursion to Overesch Ecological Farm

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 03/12/2022
12:00 - 17:30


Boerengroep is organising the last excursion of the year to Overesch ecological farm!

We will have a tour around the mixed farm with 800 pigs raised at very high standards and a mud pool (which was granted a year awared from the animal welfare organisation wakker dier), as well as arable farming used to grow the feed, making it a closed system. Overesch has a history of being a mixed farm, though it has made a transition to becoming an organic farm. Before the tour, there will be a storytelling moment from Jan Overesch (the farmer) about the farm. For now, you can find more on:

What: A storytelling moment by the Jan Overesch (the farmer) about the farm, followed by a tour around the farm
Where: Hondemotsweg 40, 8101 NJ Raalte
When: 3 December 2022
Schedule: 12:00- leaving from the parking lot in front of Radix building at the WUR Campus
                   13:30- Start Farm tour
                   15:30- End farm tour
                   17:30- Expected to be back at Radix
Cost: 5 euros per person. Please pay this amount to: Stichting Boerengroep NL20TRIO 0390517992

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Hope to see you there!