Farm Experience Internship 2023

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 17/07/2023 - 11/08/2023
All Day

Creative Garden Wageningen


Farm Experience Internship 2023
Hello people!
Have you ever heard of the FEI?
The Farm Internship Experience is an international summer course organized by Boerengroep, in collaboration with WUR, taking place in Wageningen. Both students and non-students are welcomed to join the course, with the possibility to get 3 ECTS for WUR students.

What’s the FEI?
This course aims to bridge theoretical knowledge about agroecology from students with practical skills and knowledge from farmers. The idea is to create a dialogue through lectures, workshops and hands-on experience.
The course lasts 4 weeks, split into 3 phases:
🐛 PREPARATION – Lectures, workshops, excursions, group work. All kinds of topics are approached in week 1: creativity, permaculture, seed patents, food exploration etc.
👩🏻‍🌾 FARM EXPERIENCE – Practical experience on a Dutch farm. All kinds of farms are discovered in weeks 2-3: organic gardens, agroforestry farms & food forests, goat farms etc. Based on volunteering, type wwoofing.
🦋 EVALUATION – Reflection, sharing knowledge, closing the circle in week 4.

When and where?
FEI will take place from 17th July to 11th August 2023.
The Creative garden in Wageningen will host this edition and farms throughout the Netherlands will receive participants for the practical experience.

How do I sign up for the FEI?
You need to fill this form before 9th of June!

Where can I find more info?
On Boerengroep website there are plenty of info about FEI and its previous editions
You can also send us an email:

Please share the message and spread the news!
We hope to see you this summer in Wageningen joining the FEI experience!

Alessia, Estève, Irene and Rosh
FEI team 2023