Farmer’s Tale #4 with Dido & David from Kapitaloceen!

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Date(s) - 19/04/2023
12:30 - 13:30



12:30-13:30, Speaker’s Corner at Impulse (Wageningen Campus)

On 19 April during lunch break, Boerengroep presents Farmer’s Tales #4, a bi-weekly dialogue with farmers on the practice of food production.

Stichting Kapitaloceen takes farmland off the market and proposes a radical ecological and social alternative to monoculture. The foundation grants access to land to those for whom “the market” cannot: idealistic farmers and non-humans. A lecture on the importance of scale, how to deal with the logic of capital and how you, too, can free up land.
Find more information on the work of Kapitaloceen hier inschrijven!