Flag-Making Kickoff: Good Food Good Farming Campaign

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Date(s) - 25/04/2024
19:00 - 22:00


Hello everyone,

We have some exciting news to share! Our Stichting has been chosen to represent the Netherlands in the Good Food Good Farming campaign, as part of the upcoming EU elections. As a country representative, we have a unique opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of these elections and advocate for a sustainable food system.

To kick off our involvement in this campaign, we’re planning a special gathering on Thursday, 25th, during our break time. We’ll come together to start creating the flag for the Good Food Good Farming campaign. This flag will symbolize our commitment to promoting sustainable agriculture and shaping EU policies that prioritize the well-being of both people and the planet.

By showcasing our flag in Brussels on June 1st, alongside flags from the other 26 Member States, we’ll make a powerful statement about the urgent need for change in EU food policy. Each flag represents a collective voice, urging EU politicians to prioritize issues such as agricultural subsidies, pesticides, and GMOs.

We encourage everyone to join us in this endeavor. Whether you’re skilled with a needle and thread or simply eager to contribute your ideas, your participation is invaluable. Together, let’s raise our voices and our flag for a better EU and a brighter future for all.

See you on Thursday, ready to get creative and make a difference!