Get to know Boerengroep and Inspringtheater – special edition Break

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Date(s) - 17/09/2020
20:00 - 23:30

Café Onder de Linden


Once every other week we allow ourselves to lay back, and discuss today’s urging matters in the farming world in a fun and informal way.
The Boerengroep Breaks are meant as a low threshold way to make acquaintance with Boerengroep – to date the Boerengroepies, so to say. We have wanted to provide them a mid-way between only casually attending events and jumping into the board straight away.
So come meet us and have a beer. Let’s have a jolly good time together!
Get to know Boerengroep
During the first Boerengroep Break you will be able to get to know Boerengroep! We will introduce our organisation, our activities and let you know all the ways in which you can get involved!
Boerengroep is a critical student organisation in Wageningen, founded in 1971. We aim to connect the university with the reality and challenges of farmers and peasant in the Netherlands and around the world.