INFO lunch: Farm Experience Internship (FEI)

Kaart niet beschikbaar

Date(s) - 18/02/2020
12:30 - 13:30

Forum, C0229


Boerengroep is happy to announce that we will organize the 8th edition of the Farm Experience Internship in the Netherlands, this summer from the 13th of July until the 7th of August!




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The FEI is a growing movement, that is being co-created by peasants, farmers, gardeners, scientists, students, activists, NGOs and agroecological companies – working together towards a sustainable, healthy, viable food system that is fair and just for the earth, the consumer and the producer. Together, we co-organize a 3 ECTS international summer course at the Wageningen University every year (since 2013), which intends to bring together theoretical knowledge from students with practical skills and knowledge from farmers.
Are you interested in growing your own food, discovering local knowledge and practices on organic farms and gardens in the Netherlands? Do you want to learn about agroecology, food sovereignty and sustainable food systems? Or would you like to interact and discuss with farmers to find creative, innovative ways of farming? Then don’t wait any longer and join the FEI!
The FEI is a four week-long summer course and consists of one week of lectures, excursions and workshops, then two weeks where all the participants go to a farm in the Netherlands to help and learn about the daily farming practices, and then the last week, everybody comes back to Wageningen to reflect about the experience and to link the practice with the theory of agroecology.

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Does this seem like a great way to spend (part of) your summer? Would you love to learn about and experience all the different aspects of agroecology? Then come to the FEI info lunch and ask about all the practicalities and the experiences of previous FEI participants and organizers.

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Do you want to do more than just participate during the four weeks of FEI? Then you can also become a volunteer and join the FEI team in organizing this amazing summer course. Then you can help decide about the content, the logistics, the farmers etc. (and you get to participate for free)!