Kick-off 2020: “Agriculture in the face of climate change”

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Date(s) - 20/02/2020
17:30 - 19:30



We are proud to announce that 2020 will be all about Climate Change and Agriculture for Boerengroep!

Come and join us for the kick-off of our year theme, where we will set the scene for upcoming events that will dive deeper in specific topics (C-sequestration, the role of policy, international trade and social integration of climate-smart technologies among others). For this special evening, we will be joined by Meino Smit and Joost van Strien!

Meino Smit is an arable farmer and researcher at the WUR. A couple of years ago he finished his phd, which investigated the energy inputs and outputs in agriculture, and compared the results 50 years ago to the results now. What he found, was astonishing. Agriculture has become very energy-inefficient and when considered from a life cycle-perspective, uses a very great number of fossil fuels.

Joost van Strien will give his vision on climate-neutral farming. He is the owner and the farmer of the bio-dynamic arable farm the Zonnegoed. He uses different measures to limit and even eliminate the negative impact of farming on the climate.

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Climate change might just be the biggest challenge that we have to deal with, from the fires in Australia to the melting of glaciers: the topic of climate change is omnipresent.

Farming is often addressed as one of the main causes of climate change, among other reasons because of the massive chopping and burning of rain forests in order to establish big, soil-degrading monocultures. But how big is the part played by our food system in the development of climate change? And what is the responsibility of the sector in stopping it, and how can this be achieved?

Besides this, our food system is not only a cause of climate change, but changing temperatures and disturbed ecosystems will also first of all affect farmers and threaten the food security of populations in many countries. How can farms become more resilient in the face of climate change that invokes? How does climate smart agriculture work? Where can we find these examples and what are the difficulties that these farmers encounter?