Places of Hope & Resistance: Pilot#2 with Kapitaloceen

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Date(s) - 10/12/2022
10:30 - 17:30


🍃 Join Toekomstboeren, Aseed & Boerengroep for their second event of the project Places of Hope and Resistance with Kapitaloceen 🍃
Welcome to Places of Hope & Resistance from Toekomstboeren (agroecological farmers’ organization), ASEED (short for “Action for Solidarity, Environment, Equality and Diversity,” an organization known for the “Food Autonomy Festival,” “Reclaim the Seeds” and actions such as “Preserve Lutkemeer,” among others) and Boerengroep (a foundation connecting research and agroecological initiatives worldwide). We would like to invite you to our second pilot!
This initiative aims to bring agroecological farmers, activists and a broader interested public closer together. It is sometimes difficult for agroecological farmers to leave their farms and find time for activism outside of work, and activists (as well as many others) are very likely to overwork themselves. Both could use a place and some company to regenerate. Places of Hope & Resistance would like to create this place, with the goal of all going home stronger. However, since this is only the second meeting, there will be an open conversation to get your input on exactly what you need or want from this project.
For this event, we are invited to join David & Dido of Kapitaloceen and CSA “the Hedgehog” in Gorssel (near Zutphen) on Saturday, December 10. They have a few larger tasks for which they could use some extra hands, and would also like to show you what is being done there to ensure that this piece of land protects and regenerates the climate and biodiversity.
🌱 Program:
10.30 – 11.00 Walk-in & introductions.
11.00 – 11.30 Introduction Kapitaloceen
11.30 – 15.30 Helping out on the land (removing strawberry stands to plant trees)
15.45 – 17.30 Open discussion on Places of Hope & Resistance & closing
🌱 Of course there will be time for break to eat your lunch, but unfortunately no lunch will be provided by the project. Tools, coffee, tea and cookies will be available for everyone! We encourage everyone to bring some vegan (and gluten free) food to contribute to a potluck lunch!
🌱 Don’t forget your rain gear and bring a pair of sturdy shoes/boots! If you don’t have these or need something else, please let us know!
🌱 We want this project to be inclusive. Do you need something specific to participate? Do you find it difficult to physically help, but would still like to contribute? Or are you missing information? Don’t hesitate and feel free to send us an email!
🌱 Address: Hedgehog Gardens is located on Gorsselse Enkweg, just west of number 6. Seen from the road, the picking garden is behind the cherry orchard.
🌱 How to reach:
Cars can be parked for free in the grounds.
By public transport: From Deventer station, bus 81 goes in the direction of Zutphen. Get off at Kerkhof stop and walk 11 minutes. Is that too far to walk and would it help to be picked up? Send us an email!
There will be a carpool group/call option, please enter your departure location and phone number on the Eventbrite for this purpose.
🌱 Reserve your spot through Eventbrite (psst its for free):…/tickets-places-of-hope…
🌱 Contact us through or +31611655302
🌱 Check out our parteners’ websites:
Gardens of the Hedgehog: (reach them on