Rediscovering Forgotten crops

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Date(s) - 16/11/2022
18:00 - 19:30



Do you know that around 6000 plants were historically cultivated for food but today only 12 plants feed 75 percent of the world’s population?? -FAO

Let’s take a step toward rediscovering these “forgotten crops” which are also known as Neglected or Underutilized crops, abandoned crops, orphan crops, and traditional crops on 16th November Innovation Room, Impulse.

We have, Federico Andreotti, who has recently joined the Farming System Ecology (FSE) chair group as a lecturer. His research focuses on exploring sustainable futures for smallholder organizations and agrobiodiversity, including agroforestry and neglected crops in Latin America and Europe.

Marie Fleur Bremaud, who started her Ph.D. last year at WUR “Economics opportunities of underutilized crops, RADIANT project” in Europe.

Marcel, is a Dutch farmer who grows traditional grains and harvests them for artisanal regional bread and natural beer (

Sharmila Pun, a student of Master in Organic Agriculture and Agroecology at WUR, who has previously worked in the conservation of these crops and community seed banks in Nepal.

Come, listen, learn and have your say!