The Break: Regenerative Farming and Agribusiness

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Date(s) - 23/02/2023
20:30 - 23:00


This Thursday 23rd February, Boerengroep is having another themed break on the topic “Regenerative farming and agribusiness”

Come join us at Cafe Onder de Linden, 20:30 onwards for some beers and a discussion on how the concept of regenerative farming is being used by agribusiness.

But what is a Boerengroep Break? 

“The Boerengroep Breaks are an informal space where you can meet up with other students, share ideas and get into dialogue on challenges and new initiatives that farmers engage in in the Netherlands and around the world.”

Boerengroep Breaks – By Marthe van Russen Groen

If you have ever been curious to get to know Boerengroep, engaging in discussions around farming and the food system, or are interested in the topics we discuss, this is your chance. Join us for a cozy evening with some drinks, laughs and great conversation. Hope to see you there!