10th of June: excursion De Bolster



Within the world of seeds, discussions on patenting, genetic modification and protection of biodiversity are still going strong. Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer seem the only important names on the world market. But not far from Wageningen, a relatively small Dutch family company specialised in organic seeds has made fame of its own. Join Boerengroep to De Bolster this June and see for yourself how seeds are grown.

Practical info:
Depart: 12:00h at the parking lot in front of Sports Centre de Bongerd (across Bornsesteeg). We will go there by car (Oude Oenerweg 13, Epe)
Excursion fee: €5,- (for transport). No refund if you don’t show up.
Registration IS CLOSED!

If you are interested in seeds, please also come to the screening of the documentary Seed: the untold story that we organise in MovieW the 12th of June!

De Bolster is a Dutch organic seed company located in Epe, in the middle of the Veluwe. This family company started some 40 years ago to grow vegetables, flowers, herbs and legumes for the production of their seeds. As they comply to organic standards, no chemical fertilizers nor pesticides are used. But the production of seeds involves more than just growing vegetables: all drying, cleaning, selecting and packaging is done at the farm as well. In addition, co-owner of De Bolster Bart Vosselman started in the early 2000s breeding pumpkins, tomatoes and zucchini. Now, De Bolster is market leader in the Netherlands in organic pumpkin seeds and their cherrytomato varieties sell for over €300 per 1000 seeds. But breeding is time-consuming and laborious work, certainly if you are not allowed to use genetic modification. However, Bart Vosselman himself is convinced that for a robust but high-yielding variety there is not one gene you can insert that gives you the perfect tomato. Hear his full opinion and discuss the current process in the seed business during this interactive afternoon. Of course, we will get a tour around the farm and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Veluwe. Hope to see you there!

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