A succesfull first Alternative Thesis Fair!


This year during Seriously Sustainable, the first Alternative Thesis Fair took place at Wageningen University! The goal of this event, organised by Green Office, Otherwise and Boerengroep, was to help organisations with thesis questions and students looking for a thesis find each other – and so they did.

Specially for this evening, the stage of the Forum building was turned into a real marketplace. We were happy to have seventeen organisations offering their ideas, ranging from new innovations in agriculture, projects towards food sovereignty, to local and regional community projects. A big thank you to Boerenverstand, Toekomstboeren, Multi Tool Trac, Zipdrill, Nederlandse Melkveehouders Vakbond, Agromisa, Ecotone Resilience, Corvus Drones, Waterkracht, Livestock Robotics, Gaia Nederland, Wageningen municipality, Regio Foodvalley, the WUR Science Shop and not to forget Wageningen Writing Lab and Student Career Services for their participation!

With such diverse organisations, many diverse students joined as well – it became a crowded evening even! We have seen many conversations arising and we hope that many matches between students and organisations have been made.

So, are you a student and looking for a thesis topic? Or do you have an idea for a thsis topic yourself? Realise that there is more than the WUR tip website – you can also find a relevant, practical thesis topic outside the university! As Boerengroep, we are happy to help. Find thesis topics with Boerengroep hier inschrijven, or check our list with interesting organisations. Or join for an internship with Boerengroep and help us organise the FEI!

Additionally, the WUR Science Shop always has topics on offer. Specifically, they are now looking for students interested in social projects (like community participation). Read all about their projects:
CityLab THUIS Wageningen
– Empowering garden initiative increasing social participation and healthy living

Impact of Green Social Community Enterprise Spijkerkwartier Arnhem
Impact of Green Social Community Enterprise, part 2
Improving the appearance and attractiveness of the village of Doornenburg
– Railway station Deurne MSc Thesis

Self-governance and community participation burden or blessing

Previous Boerengroep coordinator Elske representing Toekomstboeren (picture: Otherwise)